MARCH 5/21 We have installed K-2 nest box on pole and installed both cameras.
MARCH 6/21 Have witnessed a Falcon at 7:34 am. flying high over our research area. Not a positive id could have been a Kestrel or a Merlin Falcon.
MARCH 7/21 We have installed H.M.K.T. nest box on pole and installed both cameras.
MARCH 22/21 Male Kestrel has arrived 3:15pm. for the 2021 season. Then MK sits on H.M.K.T. Then at 3:46 MK enters K-2 nest box. ( all times are CT )
MARCH 23/21 Male Kestrel arrived 7:10am. and sits on near by tree. MK proceeds to check out both nest boxes. 9:00am. MK attracts a female and copulates on near by tree.
He has also passes a pellet which means he is eating. Mk is also bowing and calling in both nest boxes. The courtship has started. This will be done frequently.
MK has continued to enter both nest boxes calling and scraping then leaving the area briefly to look for food and FK which he is trying to draw into a nest box. He is also protecting his area with unbelievable aerial attacks on the crows and magpies in his domain.
MARCH 24/21 At 7:37am. MK. has landed on a near by tree. 8:26am. MK calling in and out H.M.K.T. nest box trying to attract FK. 8:32am. FK shows up and MK. tries to copulate
but FK says NO! no food no nookie ! FK then flies away to empty field. 8:54am FK back but, does not want to have anything to do with MK.
1:23pm. Finally Mk has convinced FK to start checking out both nest boxes. MK. and FK scraping and in and out K-2 and H.M.K.T. nest boxes.
This went until 1:59pm. Then we all had a rest. 4:05pm it stared all over again and both are in our research area. FK seems to enjoy sitting on the nest box roofs.
Here are abbreviations we use.
MK.male Kestrel (aka Mr. Manitoba) FK. female Kestrel (aka Lady Winnipeg) H.M.K.T. Heavy Metal Kestrel Tree K-2 Kestrel number 2 nest box
This went on until about 7:38pm. when FK. entered H.M.K.T. nest box and tucked in for the night. MK. stayed on H.M.K.T. branch until 7:58 then gone for the night.
MARCH 25/21 6:46am. FK. awake briefly then back to sleep. 6:54am. FK. in door of H.M.K.T. nest box looking out and MK on near by hydro pole. 6:59am. both gone.
MK. in and out of both nest boxes. The both sit on near by tree. Copulation and in and out of both boxes continues all day. 10:52am. both in H.M.K.T. nest box talking and bowing. MK. has given FK. food seveal times today. 7:27pm. FK in H.M.K.T. nest box for the night and MK on H.M.K.T until 7:34 and then he flies away..
MARCH 26/21 4:39am. heavy snow winter is back. 7:00am. FK is out of H.M.K.T. nest box and sits on H.M.K.T. 9:25am. MK brings FK a vole. FK takes it and flies away.
9:41am MK and FK chasing crows and magpies from thier area. Things have slowed down today we think because of the snow and cooler temperatures. MK and FK were gone from area for much longer periods of time and there was not as much in and out of nest boxes. FK finally went into H.M.K.T. nest box at 8:00pm to sleep.
MARCH 27/21 6:50am. FK awake and has gone fron H.M.K.T. nest box and sits on H.M.K.T. Then at 6:56am both FK and MK sit on hydro wire at near by pole. 7:29am they both fly to
a near by tree and copulation occurs. 8:10am both gone from viewing area. Again lower temperatures seems to slow down the nesting situation. Mostly looking in nest boxes. 4:43 MK brought a vole to FK, she takes it and flies away. Most eating is done away from the nest boxes as not to attract predators to the nest site. At 7:16pm. MK on H.M.K.T. and FK in and out of nest box twice. 8:00pm. FK in H.M.K.T. nest box for the night.
MARCH 28/21 6:45am. FK out of nest box and sits on H.M.K.T. and MK on near by hydro wire. 6:52am. FK sits with MK on hydro wire. They both are entering and scraping in both
boxes, we thought they had picked the H.M.K.T. nest box but now we are not sure. There has been some copulation but we can not see them all the time. 6:47pm. Fk was in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box several times. Then at 7:38pm. she was in for the night. Mk sat on H.M.K.T. for a brief period then at 7:40 Mk flew away.
MARCH 29/21 6:25am. Fk was awake in H.M.K.T. nest boxthen 6:45 she was out and sitting on near by hydro wire with MK. 7:28am. she was gone and MK. looks in both nest boxes
but FK. is gone. 7:38 MK. flies away. 7:53am. MK in H.M.K.T. nest box calling to FK sitting on H.M.K.T. He is out then copulation. Again they continue to go in and out
of both nest boxes calling and scraping. They also are leaving area for short periods of time, our guess is hunting. 10:28am. copulation occurs again. 11:16am MK arrives with vole and is calling to FK. FK takes vole and flies to near by hydro wire. MK is diving at our resident pare of geese. Then the in and out scraping and call in both nest boxes starts again. 7:00pm. FK. in H.M.K.T. nest box for the night (very windy) MK has gone for night..
MARCH 30/21 A winter storm has hit snow and winds gusting to 80+ K. FK did not sleep much in the H.M.K.T. nest box. 7:04am. FK. out of nest box and joins MK. on near by hydro
wire. The storm contiues with temperature dropping 35 Celsius from the previous day. 7:08 am both are in H.M.K.T. nest box. We are now away from area. 2:45pm. we have returned to area. 3:29pm. both K’s again in H.M.K.T. resting from the violent wind. 5:03pm. MK. out of nest box. 5:11pm. FK out of nest box. 6:30pm. FK back in H.M.K.T. nest box for the night, MK. has gone from area. (snowing very windy and cold temperatures).
MARCH 31/21 Wind has subsided substantially but the temperature at 7:00am. -17.9C and -25C wind chill. 6:52am. FK. out of H.M.K.T. nest box at 7:01am. she was back in.
7:23am. Have not seen MK. yet. 9:50am. MK. on near by tree, FK on near by hydro wire.10:39am. Do not see FK. or MK. in research area. 1:08pm. MK. & FK. in and out of both nest boxes, then again a few times during the day. The amount of time of both MK. & FK. in research area and in & out of nest boxes has defiantly declined. We think it is due to the colder weather and snow that has hit our area. 6:38pm. both are back in area and by 7:50pm. FK. in H.M.K.T. nest box for the night, MK. is gone from area. Our educational presentation for Assiniboine Park Conservancy ( Winnipeg Zoo ) went well today and will be available soon on our 2021 report page.
APRIL 1/21 Wind has calmed down and temperature is slowly rising. 6:46am. FK. in door of H.M.K.T. nest box then out and sits on H.M.K.T. 6:51am. she is gone from viewing
area. Very few sitings of FK. and MK. temperatures warming but severe wind. Mk. and FK. show up on H.M.K.T. 7:33pm. Mk. looks in both nest boxes as if to check if there is any danger. 7:38pm. Fk. in H.M.K.T. nest box she did major pruning and MK. gone.
APRIL 2/21 Temperatures have warmed up but wind still 50- 67 K. FK. awake at 6:30am. pruning. 6:50 am. is in door H.M.K.T. nest box then out and gone. 7:02am. MK. on
H.M.K.T. and sits there until 7:29 then gone from research area. Things are starting to get back to normal with MK. and FK. looking and entering both nest boxes but mostly the K-2 nest box. 7:01pm. both sit on near by tree. FK. in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box twice. 7:46pm. FK. in K-2 nest box MK. on near by tree. MK. flies away and FK. in K-2 nest box for the night.
APRIL 3/21 - 5 C. this morning Wind chill -10 C. 6:33am. FK. awake in K-2 nest box.6:38am. FK. out of nest box and sits on K-2 tree. 6:45am. FK. flies to near by hydro wire and
sits with MK.7:20am. MK. and FK. still on same wire copulation occurs. 8:00am. both still on same wire. It is evident that MK. and FK. have changed interest to the K-2 nest box. Both in and out several times today and both sitting on near by trees. 2:55pm. copulation occurs. Again in and out K-2 nest box.7:10pm. FK. in K-2 nest box and out. 8:08pm. FK. in K-2 nest box for the night. MK. has gone from research area.
APRIL 4/21 We feel that the warming trends in the weather are bringing back MK. and FK. to the mating ritual again. 6:29am. FK. awake in K-2 nest box. 6:32 she sits in door.
6:33am. FK.out of K-2 nest box and flies away. 6:40am. MK. and FK. sit on near by hydro wire. More action today MK. and FK. entering both nest boxes several times. Both are sitting on near by hydro wires today hunting and spending more time in research area. 1:47pm. and 4:45pm. copulation occurs. 5:30pm. FK. sits on H.M.K.T 7:05 MK. in H.M.K.T. nest box then sits on H.M.K.T. with FK. 8:00pm/ FK. in H.M.K.T. nest box for the night.
APRIL 5/21 6:25am. FK. awake in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:28am. FK. in door. 6:29 out of nest box and sits on H.M.K.T. 6:34 FK. seemed to dive down but then she disappeared.
6:40am. MK. and FK. sit on near by hydro wire. Both in and out of nest boxes all day. 7:46pm. FK in H.M.K.T. nest box MK. has gone from research area. 8:16pm. FK.
APRIL 8/21 4:50pm. Both MK. and FK. chasing Goshawk in their area. Kestrels were fine , Goshawk to the ground and managed to kill one of our male Grey Partridge.
APRIL 9/21 Both nest boxes empty for the night. We think the Goshawk incident made Mk. and FK. very cautious. 7:20am. they returned to research area and continued their
looks like she is trying to produce a pellet but never does. Then she is asleep.
normal routine. 8:01pm. FK in H.M.K.T. nest box. MK. near guarding. 8:10pm. FK. asleep and MK. has gone from research area.
APRIL 10/21 6:16am. FK. awake in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6;21am. FK> in door and MK. on near by hydro wire. 6:27 FK. out of nest box and gone. 8:31am. FK. in K-2 nest box
scraping and calling. 11:29am. copulation on near by tree. 6:23pm. MK. brings FK. a vole. 8:23pm. FK. in H.M.K.T. nest box MK. on H.M.K.T. 8:26pm. FK. asleep MK. has gone for the night.
APRIL 11/21 6:21am. FK. awake. 6:29 FK. gone from H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:55am. MK. scraping and calling in K-2 nest box. 7:34am. MK. and FK. on near by tree copulation occurs.
We are expecting colder weather with snow for 3 or 4 days. this may slow down MK. and FK. Tune in to our weather wiget at top right of this page. FK. has still not made up her mind of which nest box to lay her eggs in. All day MK. and FK. in and out both nest boxes scraping , calling. There has been copulation and MK. has brought FK. voles twice today. 7:44pm. FK. has entered the K-2 nest box MK. on H.M.K.T. 7:56pm. FK. sleeping and MK. gone for the night.
APRIL 12/21 Snow during the night. 6:40am. FK. awake in K-2 nest box. She is listening to the snow storm outside. 6:53am. MK. on H.M.K.T. FK. still inside. 7:12am FK. stands
Weather not looking good.
up tall and pear's outside. No she says and into back corner of K-2 nest box away from door. Do not see MK. 8:15am. FK. still in K-2 nest box. 8:17am. FK. out of K-2 nest box and flies to right. There is a K on a near by tree but hard to make positive ID with all the snow. The snow continues with heavy winds. We do not see the K’S most of the day. 7:26pm. FK. in K-2 nest box and out and sits on near by hydro wire. Then we do not see K’S until 9:45pm. MK. in H.M.K.T. nest box for the night. Both nest boxes have a accumulation of snow inside.
APRIL 13/21 Snow continues with high winds. 6:46am. MK. still in H.M.K.T. nest box. The weather is not improving. 7:07 am. FK. on near by tree. 9:07am. MK. still in H.M.K.T.
nest box asleep. MK. has broken the asleep in a nest box record !! MK. did not leave the H.M.K.T. nest box until 10:17am. That's 13 hrs. & 32 min. During this FK.
on near by trees and hydro wires. FK. did not go in any nest box on this day. 8:37pm. MK. in and out H.M.K.T. nest box
APRIL 14/21 Snow has finally stopped for now. FK. or MK. did not stay in either nest box for the night. 5:43am. MK. enters K-2 nest box and is asleep. We have never seen such
strange goings on in all our years studying the Kestrels. 7:10am. MK. still sleeping and FK. on near by hydro wire. 9:05am. MK. out of H.M.K.T. nest box and flies
tto FK. and sits beside her on near by tree. FK. flies away then returns on a different branch. MK. passes a pellet. 9:36am. MK. tries to copulate with FK. and
she flies away. 10:15am we cleaned out snow and replaced some nesting material in H.M.K.T. nest box while our couple were out of research area. Our couple have been sitting on near by hydro wire s and trees all afternoon. Neither sleep in nest boxes last night.
APRIL 15/21 Snow & wind have subsided. What will today bring. 6:37am. FK. sits on near by hydro wire. 6:49am. FK. flies far away towards Harbor View Park. 8:00am. FK. on
near by hydro wire. FK. seems to be bird hunting, several times she landed 8 feet ( we have several bird feeders near) from our house and then back to hydro wire. This goes on until 8:57am. Then she flew far away. At this time we took the opportunity to clean the snow from K-2 nest box and replace some nesting material. 9:49am. FK. on near by trees. 10:53am. No K’S in sight .1:15pm. FK. on near by hydro wire very briefly. 1:40pm. again on near by hydro wire. After this FK was gone all day and was not sighted until 8:35pm. when she entered H.M.K.T. nest box and went to sleep. A concern MK. was not sighted all day and evening.
APRIL 16/21 6:10am. FK out of H.M.K.T. nest box and sits on H.M.K.T. 6:21am. FK. flies and sits on near by hydro wire. 6:37am. FK. gone ? Did not see MK. yet. 8:42am. FK.
in H.M.K.T. nest box calling MK. on H.M.K.T. ( he's back ) looks like we back in business. They are both in and out of both nest boxes. 9:14am. They are both hunting and sitting on near by trees and hydro wires. 10:56am. copulation. 2:00pm FK. diving at Raven on H.M.K.T. she scares it off. They proceeded to enter both nest boxes all day and sit on near by trees and hydro wires. 7:33pm. FK goes in H.M.K.T. nest box for a moment with a vole and then appears to store the vole in a near by evergreen tree. 8:11pm. MK. in K-2 nest box. 8:28pm. FK. in H.M.K.T. nest box for the night. 8:38 MK. out of K-2 nest box and gone.
APRIL 17/21 6:12am. awake. 6:16am. FK. out of H.M.K.T. nest box and sits on H.M.K.T. and gone. 6:26am. FK. and MK. on near by hydro wire. 6:37am. to 6:49am. copulation
occurs 2 times. Both are sitting in several places and seem to be protecting area much more aggressively. 7:52am. copulation occurred. 10:21 MK. brings headless vole/mouse into H.M.K.T. nest box and leaves it for FK. this is part of the mating ritual. FK. enters H.M.K.T. nest box and takes vole/mouse and is out to near by tree to eat. MK. and FK. in and out of both nest boxes calling and scraping all day and evening. 8:53pm. FK. in H.M.K.T. nest box for the night.
APRIL 18/21 4:37am. FK. awake briefly. 6:10am. starting to snow and high winds again. Welcome to Winter-peg MK. and FK. Some snow accumulation in both nest boxes but
APRIL 19/21 6:07am. FK. awake in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:11am. she went back to sleep. 6:18am. FK. awake again. 6:354am. FK in door of H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:35 out and sits
not much. 7:06am. FK. out of H.M.K.T. nest box and sits on near by hydro wire. FK. spent most of the day in a tree 20 feet from our house and near by hydro wires. There was almost no action in both nest boxes today. 4:45pm. finally MK. bring a part vole/mouse to FK. then both sit very near on hydro wires and near by trees.
8:33pm. FK. in H.M.K.T. nest box for the night MK. gone from research area.
on H.M.K.T briefly the flies and sits on nearby tree. 6:38am. MK. in H.M.K.T. nest box then out. 6:40am. MK. back in H.M.K.T. nest box calling then sits again on
H.M.K.T. FK. still on nearby tree. 6:50am. MK. in H.M.K.T. nest box calling. 6:53am. MK. flies and sits on hydro wire. FK. on nearby tree. 6:57am . MK. flies to FK. on
nearby tree FK. immediately leaves and sits on hydro wire. 7:02am. FK. flies to MK. on nearby tree and copulation. Then both sit on nearby tree. Both MK. and FK. spend time in and out H.M.K.T. nest box and sitting on H.M.K.T. 10:35am. to 1:25pm they were both out of sight. 2:15pm. FK. sits on H.M.K.T. and hydro wire. 5:30pm. FK. in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box. 8:32 FK. in H.M.K.T. nest box for the night.
APRIL 20/21 6:14am. FK. in door H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:16am. FK. out and sits on H.M.K.T. 6:17am. FK. flies to and sits on nearby hydro wire. 6:56am. FK. in and out of H.M.K.T.
nest box several times then sits on hydro wire and nearby tree. 7:49am. FK. in H.M.K.T. with food then out and stores food in nearby evergreen MK. on
H.M.K.T. Snow blowing again off and on all morning. Both sit around on wires and trees then gone. MK. and FK. spent all day in and out both nest boxes and sitting in various trees and hydro wires. FK. brought food into H.M.K.T. and K-2 nest box several times but went out to eat. 7:10pm. FK. and MK. sit on nearby hydro wire FK. has a small piece of food. 8:34pm. FK in H.M.K.T. nest box for the night.
APRIL 21/21 We are taking a break from observations page for a few days. Since the Kestrels seem to be in a repeat pattern. We will still ad more photos, raw videos
and are still keeping up our log book. Thank you very much for your patience.
APRIL 24/21 5:56am. FK. awake in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:03am. out and on H.M.K.T. 6:05am FK gone and have not seen MK. We have obtained some dead trees that are about
13 to 15 feet in length and are of around 4 to 6 inch diameter for use as Kestrel hunting perches. We have installed the first one today ( drilling down 3 feet and inserting metal pipe for the tree to be slid in. ground still frozen ) We will try to install one at a time each day. We must keep clear of area and wait for the Kestrels to leave as not to disturb their courtship. We have notice that copulation is more frequent and lasts longer in the last few days. They are still both going into both nest boxes so a nest box choice has not been made. 9:30am. MK. and FK. are back in research area. 8:47pm. FK. in H.M.K.T. nest box for the night.
APRIL 25/21 5:55am. FK. awake in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:09am. out and gone. 6:25am. MK. in H.M.K.T. nest box with vole/mouse breakfast for FK. She comes from no where and
takes food and sits on nearby tree to eat. 6:32am. MK. flies to FK. copulations while she id eating. Then both sit on nearby tree. Both in and out of both nest boxes. Then at 8:20am both are gone from research area. This was our chance to dig and install Kestrel tree number 2. 9:25am we were done. 9:51am. Mk. and FK. returned to research area and were back to nest box hoping. 10:20am. Mk. diving at mallard ducks on ground and in the air. Then for the first time he sits on one of the new Kestrel poles we just installed. Then both back to in and out both nest boxes. MK. is making more frequent food deliveries to FK. 8:30pm. FK. in H.M.K.T. nest box for the night.
Scroll down to see the latest.
APRIL 26/21 5:46am. FK. awake in H.M.K.T. nest box. 5:59am. in door. 6:06am. FK. gone. 6:15am. we went outside and install Kestrel tree number 3 and were done at 7:20am.
9:38am. still no Kestrels in the research area. 10:28am. MK. attacking squirrel keeping his area safe. MK. and FK. resume in and out of nest boxes. 10:36am. copulation occurs. From 11:45am. to 2:38pm. we did not see any Kestrels in our research area. MK. and FK. back in and out both nest boxes and sitting on nearby trees. 8:24pm. FK. in K-2 nest box and MK. flies away. 8:30pm. FK asleep for the night.
APRIL 27/21 5:51am. FK. awake in K-2 nest box. 6:02am. FK. gone. 6:07am. went outside and installed Kestrel tree number 4 and were done at 6:38am. All 4 Kestrel trees are
installed. FK. and MK. in and out of both nest boxes several copulations and food exchanges. Very quiet in research area. Both return from time to time and sit on nearby trees. 8:15pm. FK. flies to evergreen and retrieves stored food, then sits on nearby tree and eats. No one stayed in either nest box for the night.
APRIL 28/21 7:01am. FK. and MK. arrive in research area and sit on H.M.K.T. 7:07am both in and out H.M.K.T. nest box. 7:11 am. both sit on nearby tree. 7:13am. both gone.
8:30am. FK. on nearby tree. 10:29am MK. sits on H.M.K.T. 10:36am. FK. in H.M.K.T. nest box scraping. 11:35 MK. on H.M.K.T. then in & out of nest box. 1:14pm. FK. in H.M.K.T. nest box scraping MK. joins her briefly. They are both now going in and out K-2 nest box. 8:23pm. Mk. and FK. sit on nearby hydro wire. 8:53pm. FK. in
H.M.K.T. nest box for the night.
APRIL 29/21 5:39am. FK. awake in H.M.K.T. nest box pruning. 5:56am. FK. in door. 5;59am. FK. out and sits on H.M.K.T. 6:02am. FK. gone from area. FK. and MK. in and out of
Just a reminder notes on this page are a condensed version of our daily log book.
MAY 1/21 5:22am. FK. awake in H.M.K.T. nest box pruning. 5:49am. in door. 5:56am. FK out of nest box and flies and sits with MK. on nearby hydro wire. 6:00am. they both
APRIL 30/21 MK. and FK. in and out both nest boxes today. Several food kills today and both are storing left overs in both nest boxes. MK. had a great battle with a Magpie
and both fell to the ground, this lasted a moment and the Magpie flew away. 8:52pm. MK. flies away for the night and FK. eating in H.M.K.T. nest box and stores left overs in nest box beside her. 9:03pm. FK. asleep in H.M.K.T. nest box for the night.
fly away. There are scraps of food in both nest boxes. 6:27am. both back in research area. 7:16am. FK on nearby tree MK. gone. 7:23 MK. back with vole/mouse and both sit on nearby tree. Magpie intruder, MK. attacks in air and on ground. FK. flies away with food. 11:05am. Both not in sight. 11:34am both are back and in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box. FK. spends prolonged time in H.M.K.T. nest box. Several food deliveries and copulations today. 6:50pm. MK. has a bird and tries to hand off to FK. but a Magpie prevents it. Then MK. flies away with food. We assume he has stored bird for later. 7:02pm. MK. back and both FK. and MK. chase away Magpie. 7:22pm. MK. gone for the night. 8:58pm. FK. in H.M.K.T. nest box for the night.
both nest boxes all day. Many food deliveries and only one copulation that we have seen. They are in research area and gone several times. 4:46pm FK. attacks ducks. MK. attacking intruder Magpie. They sit on nearby tree several times. 8:52pm. MK. flies away for the night. 9:00pm. FK asleep in H.M.K.T. nest box for the night.
MAY 2/21 5:02am. FK. awake in H.M.K.T. nest box pruning with her eyes closed. 5:28am. FK. awake and in door. 5:35am. FK. on H.M.K.T. 5:41am. FK. gone from area.
We have published photos of Kestrel tree/poles click here to view on the 2021 photos page.
6:07am. MK. arrives on nearby tree with vole/mouse FK. takes it and both sit on nearby tree. MK. flies away. Crow chases FK. with food, she flies away. 6:39am. we are outside taking photos of Kestrel tree/poles. 8:08am. FK. on H.M.K.T. then MK. and FK. sit on nearby tree. 9:00am. MK. brings another vole/mouse FK. then flies to tree and takes vole/mouse from MK. 9:17am. FK. in H.M.K.T. nest box and is very quiet. MK. on nearby tree. 9:41am. FK still in nest box. 10:25am. MK. brings FK. another vole/mouse inside H.M.K.T. nest box. She takes it and puts it underneath her. 10:39am MK. flies away. 10:45am FK. in egg laying posture. MK. lands on H.M .K.T. with more food a bird FK. does not respond to him. 11:15am. FK. now finished laying egg. 12:16pm. FK. out of nest box and sits on nearby hydro wire. 1ST. egg confirmed. WE HAVE OUR 1st EGG !!!!! 12:43pm. FK. still on wire do not see MK. Food seems plentiful with several kills during the day. Both spend the day on nearby trees with MK. doing the hunting. FK. mostly on her egg in H.M.K.T.nest box. 8:07pm. FK. haveing a snack in H.M.K.T. nest box one of her stored food. 8:31pm. FK. stores left overs in our evergreen tree and sits on nearby hydro wire. 8:54pm. FK. in H.M.K.T. nest box on egg for the night.
MAY 4/21 3:20am. FK. awake in H.M.K.T. nest box and looking at door, a deer is under her nest box. Then went back to sleep. 5:16am. FK. awake and pruning 5:54am. FK.
in door and at 5:57 she is out and sits on H.M.K.T. 6:00am. she is flying away from area. 6:47am. FK. back and sits on nearby tree. Betwwen 7:37am. and 8:08am. there were 2 copulations. Them FK. takes a break from the egg. Both sit on nearby trees. 10:46am. FK. back in H.M.K.T. nest box MK. looks in and has a brief chat. Then sits on nearby tree.12:53pm. FK. goes into her egg laying mode. 3:15pm. FK out of H.M.K.T. nest box and 2 eggs are visible. THATS EGG #2. FK. goes for a fly-about. 3:47pm. MK. brings food and FK. sits on tree and is eating. At this time MK. checks on his 2 eggs rolls them then talks to them. Both are defending their area with very little patients to intruders. 4:09 FK. Back on 2 eggs. Then eating food on tree that MK. has delivered to here. 7:37pm 2 voles/mouse have been delivered, eaten and 1 copulation. 9:06pm. FK. in H.M.K.T. nest box on 2 eggs for the night.
MAY 5/21 5:37am. FK. awake. 5:48am. FK. in door. 5:54am. FK. out of H.M.K.T. nest box and sits on H.M.K.T. 5:58am. FK. gone from area. 6:00am MK. in H.M.K.T. nest box
and on 2 eggs. 6:06am. MK. flies to nearby tree sits beside FK. and copulation. 6:11am FK back on 2 eggs. 6:36 MK. called out FK. and give her a vole/mouse then both fly to nearby tree. There are many copulations and food deliveries today. FK. always take food far from nest box. Magpies harass her when she has food. MK. joins in to chase intruders from research area. FK. is in nest box on her 2 eggs off and on all day and evening. MK. even takes an egg shift from time to time but is not on the 2 eggs for long. Full incubation will not start until all eggs are laid. ( 2-7 eggs possible, typically 4-5 ). 9:00pm FK. on nearby tree eating vole/mouse. 9:12pm. FK. in H.M.K.T. nest box on 2 eggs for the night. MK. gone for the night.
MAY 6/21 5:25am. FK. awake and pruning. 5:48am. FK. in door. 5:55am. FK. takes off right from door circles area and then flies away. 6:34am. MK. on nearby tree. 6:39am.
MAY 7/21 5:27am. FK. awake. 5:46am. then in door. 5:50am. FK. on H.M.K.T and 5:54am. gone from area. 6:15 MK. on nearby tree with vole/mouse. but is harassed by
FK. in H.M.K.T nest box on 2 eggs MK. gone. 7:03am. FK. and MK. gone from area. 7:30am. FK. back 7:36 MK. with vole/mouse FK. not intrested. 8:31am copulation both MK. and FK. sitting in various places.9:59am MK. with food FK. takes food and stores it. There are several food deliveries and copulations today.11:34am. FK. in H.M.K.T. nest bo on 2 eggs. MK. not in sight. BETWEEN 1:07pm. & 2:16pm. 3RD EGG LAID. Both take turns on eggs with FK. 95% of the time. Both are again in area sitting on trees and hydro wires. 3:18pm another food delivery, aand at 6:29pm. and 7:21pm. 8:18pm. FK. on nearby tree MK. not in area. 9:09pm. FK. in H.M.K.T nest box on 3 eggs for the night. HOW MANY MORE EGGS ?????
Magpie. MK. attacks Magpie and with vole/mouse in talons chases Magpie away. 6:57am. MK. and FK. on nearby tree. 7:44 copulation. Then MK. gone.
7:58am. MK. back and sits with FK. on nearby tree. All day FK. and MK. on nearby trees, copulations, several food deliveries and taking turns guarding, sitting on 3 eggs with FK. about 80% and MK. 20%. They have both have gone from research area from time to time for a break and to hunt. 6:44pm. MK. on eggs then out briefly 7:43pm. MK. back on eggs. 8:05pm. MK. and FK. on nearby tree. 8:52 they are both gone from area. 9:02pm. FK. back in H.M.K.T. nest box on 3 eggs for the night.
MAY 8/21 5:25am. FK. awake. 5:28 FK. in door of H.M.K.T. nest box. 5:38am. FK. out and sits on H.M.K.T. 5:43am. FK. back in nest box on the 3 eggs. 6:01am. FK. still in
nest box on 3 eggs. 6:10am. FK. out and sits with MK. on nearby tree. 6:22am. FK. gone and MK. on 3 eggs in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:47am. both sit on nearby tree. 7:39am. FK. back on 3 eggs. 7:59am. MK. on nearby tree with vole/mouse but then flies away due to Magpie. 8:17am. MK. returns and switches egg duty with FK. 8: 58am. FK. back and they switch egg duties. several copulations and food deliveries today. 12:55pm. FK. finally eating 6 day old vole/mouse she had stored in H.M.K.T. nest box near eggs. 1:09pm. FK. takes left overs and out they go still only 3 eggs. 1:25pm. and 2:25pm. 4th. EGG LAID !!! 2:32pm. MK. takes over egg shift. 2:56 FK. back in nest box and kicks MK. out and she resumes 4 egg duties. 3:48pm. FK. out and MK. on 4 eggs. They have been switching egg duties more often today with MK. on 4 eggs much longer. *:14pm. both on nearby tree. 8:57pm. FK. on 4 eggs for the night. HOW MANY MORE EGGS ???
MAY 9/21 6:19am. FK. still sleeping on 4 eggs. 6:30am FK awake and in door, I guess she slept in because today is MOTHERS DAY. FK. 6:32am. gone from area. 7:08am.
MK. in H.M.K.T. nest box on 4 eggs very brief MK. out 7:10am. 7:12am. FK. back on 4 eggs. The day has many copulations, food deliveries and nest box changes. 2:13pm. FK. goes into K-2 nest box and retrieves vole stored for about 3 to 4 weeks. MK. seems to be on 4 eggs much longer either giving FK. a longer break or egg laying is over and full incubation has started. The next few days will tell us if more eggs or full incubation. 7:26pm. MK. out of nest box and flies to FK. on nearby tree copulation. Then FK. flies to H.M.K.T. nest box and on eggs for the night.
MAY 10/21 5:57am. FK. awake. 6:01am. FK. in door and still 4 eggs. 6:04am. FK. gone out of area. 6:27am. MK. lands on H.M.K.T. 6:29am. MK. in nest box on 4 eggs. FK. on
nearby tree. 6:35 FK. gone from area and MK. still on 4 eggs. 7:06am. MK. out of nest box and sits on nearby tree with FK. 7:13am. copulation on nearby tree. MK. gone FK. still on nearby tree. 7:29am. FK in nest box on 4 eggs. 7:43am. MK. lands on H.M.K.T. with vole/mouse and FK. out and takes food. Both on nearby tree FK. eating. 7:57am. FK. back on 4 eggs. 12:15pm. MK. in and FK. out of nest box. 12:32pm. FK. back in nest box. We have our 5th egg. Between 12:32pm. and 12:45pm. Thanks to Laurie D. one of our loyal viewers from the USA for helping with this egg laying time. 1:40pm. MK. takes over on 5 eggs. Some copulations and food which there seems to be no shortage of. MK. around bringing FK. food all evening. 7:49pm. FK. in H.M.K.T. nest box on 5 eggs for the night. Is this the last egg ????
MAY 11/21 5:47am. FK. awake and rolls 5 eggs. FK. may not leave 5 eggs until MK. has arrived, thats if they are now in full incubation ? 7:36am. MK. brings food and sits
on eggs. Both MK. and FK. taking turns incubating ?? Both are taking shifts out hunting sitting on nearby trees, protecting their area. 5 eggs are not alone for any long periods of time. There seems to be no shortage of food. 7:34pm. FK. in H.M.K.T. nest box on 5 eggs for the night. Check out new raw videos and photos.
MAY 12/21 Will there be a 6th egg today, it is possible ??? 6:33am. FK. in door then flies to nearby tree and is pruning. 6:45am. MK. arrives with vole/mouse and lands near
FK. she takes food and flies away, then MK. flies away. 6:57am. MK. looks in on 5 eggs then sits with FK. on nearby tree. 7:03am. FK. back in nest box on 5 eggs. MK. still on nearby tree. 7:20am. MK. gone from area FK. still on eggs. All day and evening MK. and FK. switching 5 egg duties, in and out of research area, food deliveries, sitting on nearby trees and only one copulation that we have seen. We are still not positive full incubation has started but are 95% sure, in a day or two without another egg will solidify full incubation. 7:07pm. FK. on nearby tree eating. 7:17pm. FK. in H.M.K.T. nest box on 5 eggs for the night.
MAY 13/21 6:10am. FK. still in H.M.K.T. nest box on 5 eggs. We suspect that FK. is staying on eggs until MK. arrives. 6:28am. FK. goes to nearby tree and sits with MK.
6:37am. FK. back on 5 eggs. 7:22am. FK. out and MK. in nest box aand sits on 5 eggs.7:57am. FK. flies from research area. MK. on eggs. 9:40am. MK still on eggs. Incubation, incubation, incubation !! MK. and FK. will be switching nest duties all day and evening. This will go on for weeks. Unless something different happens this will be the last observation for a while. We will still keep our log book updated every day.
Our 2 camera HD live stream on our web site will start on May 21/2021. We are now live !!
MAY 22/21 MK. and FK. are both doing nest duties. MK. longest time on the 5 eggs is about 4 hours at one time. All we can say is incubation, incubation, incubation !!
MAY 28/21 All is going good. Has been some below zero temperatures at night and cooler days, 5 eggs not uncovered for very long if not at all.
Hatch starts soon !!! Stay tuned !!!
MAY 31/21 Due to warmer weather some bug hunting has started. The Kestrels are using 4 new Kestrels tree poles we installed earlier this season.
Our estimated hatching dates are June 5th or 6th. Then the action inside the H.M.K.T. nest box will start. Lets hope all goes well.
JUNE 5/21 4:30am. we might have heard peeping, hard to tell other bird noises at this time. 5:57am. egg #1 starting to hatch, confirmed. About 11:15am egg #2 hatched.
3:10pm. egg #3 starting to hatch, 5:19pm. egg #4 hatching. We are waiting on egg #5 at 11:12pm. still not hatched. The chicks are eating well, voles/mice, grubs and other insects. Is egg #5 a dud?? Stay tuned and see !!!!
JUNE 6/21 6:14am. FK. out of H.M.K.T. nest box, hard to tell if egg #5 hatched. 6:26am. FK. back with food, confirmed only 4 chicks and 1 egg. MK. on nearby hydro wire.
The days was hectic for MK. and FK. with 17 feedings plus which ranged from insects to voles/mice. The 4 Kestrel tree/poles we is installed in April of this year and coming to be very handy for hunting for FK. and MK. About 5:36pm. the 5th egg is hatching. Thats all folks !! Now FK. and MK. have a huge job in caring and feeding of the 5 nestling's. They are growing quickly !!!
JUNE 7/21 5:40am. MK. brings FK. vole/mouse, feeding time. 7:15am. MK. again brings food and FK. takes and feeding time. All nestling's looking good.
JUNE 8/21 5:07am. FK. out of nest box. 5:17am. FK. back and has a mouse. ( seems the last few days mice are on the menu ) 5:19am. MK. on H.M.K.T. with another mouse.
5:31am. MK. back on H.M.K.T. with a mouse. Nestling's are not hungry. 5:35am. FK. out of nest box and both are gone. 5:37am. FK. back on H.M.K.T. and then in nest box. Today about 16 feedings plus. The nestling's are growing rapidly, soon there will be projectile pooping which eventual hits the side and top cameras. We will do our best to keep this clean but remember we can not clean cameras constantly as not to disturb the family, so please be patient. We are also working on new photos and raw videos, so check frequently.
15 plus feedings today.
JUNE 13/21 The nestling's are growing at a rapid rate ! The feedings are ramping up as they grow larger and demand more food. The bug hunting from our Kestrel
tree/poles is intensifying with both FK. and MK. FK. more bug hunting with MK. taking care of most of the vole/mouse hunting. The nestling's are starting to white wash the walls and side camera with poop. We will be trying to replace the glass on the side camera every 3 - 4 days or so. Please be patient. We do not want to disturb the family to much. Here is an interesting fact, since March 22/2021 we have recorded 4141 video clips and photos not including today June 13 from inside our H.M.K.T nest box. This involves someone always monitoring the nest box. Our banding dates have been set for June 24 or 25/2021. Stays tuned.
JUNE 17/21 MK. and FK. are doing a great job caring for the nestling's. Both of them have been in nest box house cleaning. NOT THE POOP thats my job !! MK. has
even been feeding the nestling's which is not that common. Then he leaves part of the vole/mouse in the nest box as if to teach them how to rip apart prey. We have replaced the side camera glass on June 14/2021 and had about 5 hours of clear viewing until splat. We will be replacing the glass again today. Remember our banding will take place on June 24 or 25/ 2021 so stay tuned and you may catch Jim ( scientist, biologist and researcher ) taking the nestling's out and putting them back in. Should be interesting. We also cut the lawn around the Kestrel tree poles leaving areas very long. This gives the insects and voles / mice places to hide and giving the K’s more good hunting grounds without going to far. New photos and raw videos have been posted !!
JUNE 20/21 All is well with the nestling's FK. and MK. providing voles, mice and assorted insects. A glass replacement will occur today between 8 & 10am. 1st replacement
We will be changing the side camera glass before the nestling's are removed. This will enable you to witness the removal and replacement of the nestling's. This year again our Biologists, scientists and researchers will be Jim & Patsy Duncan from Discover Owls In addition we would like to welcome Meredith, from Oak Hammock Marsh. should be an exciting moment ! STAY TUNED !!
The banding of the nestling's is confirmed June 25/2021. The banding will commence about 8:30 am.
June 14 lasted about 5 hours. The 2nd replacement on June 17 lasted about 7 minutes. Make sure to watch never know how long it will stay poop-less !!
JUNE 20/21 Our nestling's are growing up !! Besides the coloration and feather sheaths showing, last night FK. did not stay with them in the H.M.K.T. nest box.
Our side camera glass replacement yesterday June 20 lasted about 1 hour 35 minutes until one of the nestling's nailed it with a runny poop. We will probably replace the side camera glass and clean the top camera if needed only 2 more times June 22 and June 25. After that we will not disturb the nestling's as not to make them prematurely fledge !
JUNE 22/21 We will be replacing the side camera glass again today between 9 and 10am. this will give all a great view of the growing nestling's, for how long we do not
know. FK. again is not staying with the nestling's at night any more. They can keep warm by huddling together. FK. almost needs a body guard to feed them now, they are mobbing her because of their ferocious appetites. MK. looks in from time to time, house cleans and drops off food. Our Kestrel tree poles are proving to be a great asset, keeping FK. hunting much closer to the H.M.K.T. nest box. While MK. can hunt on a larger scale. The banding is near !!!
JUNE 24/21 The side camera glass stayed reasonably clean for about 8 hrs. 37 min. Today we will preparing for the banding which will be taking place tomorrow June 25.
the remainder of equipment will be set up in the dark June 25 early morning. The banding will start very early morning as not to add extra stress to the nestling having to contend with the afternoon heat. Stay tuned and you might get a chance to view removing and replacing the nestling's. Note we will be changing the side camera glass before the banding commences. Don't miss out on seeing the nestling's with their new jewelry. GET YOUR GUESSES IN FOR GENDER !!!
JUNE 25/21 The banding of the 5 Kestrel nestling's will take place this early this morning. We were all set up outside by 4:00am. Tune to our live stream to see the nestling's.
JUNE 26/21 The banding of the 5 Kestrel nestling's went well ! Conformation of the 5 sexes are, 3 females and 2 males, all are healthy and quite feisty. We will be posting
photos and a video in the coming weeks so stay tuned !!! We would like to thank Jim, Patsy and Meredith for the excellent handling of the nestling's.
JUNE 29/21 The nestling's are looking great ! Both sexes are wing flapping and some are already on the ledge looking out he door at the big new world. Soon they will
fledge ( leaving the nest box ). Hopefully they will stay around the area and practice being a Kestrel. MK. and FK. will be teaching them the fine art of hunting. We will be setting up our blind again to observe, and watch the nestling's skills evolve. The banding video is looking good and we should have it for all to view very soon. So stay tuned for more updates, videos and photos. We assisted James and Patsy Duncan of band their 4 Kestrel nestling's. Under James advice Nu-Sun Cinema built a new banding box which keeps nestling's much more calm. Photos and banding video coming soon.
JUNE 30/21 We set up our blind this morning to view and hopefully capture some photos and video footage of the nestling's fledging.
JULY 2/21 Our Nestling's are very near fledge. We will not be cleaning either camera at this time. The fledglings are not to be disturbed in any way which
could cause a premature fledge. Inside nest box recordings have slowed down. We will concentrate on observing from our blind. You might also notice the cameras from the stream are in night mode the reason for this is the nestling's are blocking the light sources and in day mode not much can be seen. It will switch automatically. Our 1st Female fledged at 9:50am.
JULY 3/21 Our 2nd Female fledged at 7:56am. this morning. She flew and was sitting on the H.M.K.T. and one of here brothers was watching her from the door.
She fumbled a bit for about 5 minutes then spread her wings and flew away. We have spent most of the morning in our blind.
JULY 4/21 Our 1st. male fledged between 6:45am. and 7:00am. this morning. 1 male and 1 female to go.
JULY 5/21 Our 2nd. male fledged at 7:26am. We are in the blind. Just 1 female to go and it is Whitey. At 9:56am. last female fledged ( Whitey )
JULY 6/21 All the nestlings have fledged ( left the nest box ). Up to July 5/2021 we have recorded 7188 videos and photos from within the nest box.
Now we have been spending most of our time in our blind trying to capture some great video. Some great action from FK. and MK. chasing and vertical diving at our crow and magpie families. At one point a magpie was in the K’S storage stump underneath the H.M.K.T. and actually was hit and the K”S talons dug in. This was awesome to watch !! It seems FK. and MK. are using the H.M.K.T. nest box as a food drop center. In the near future we will be posting photos and video of the fledglings, this will take time to review nest box and outdoor photos and video so please be patient. Our live stream will run up to June 21/2021.
JULY 7/21 All the smoke yesterday prevented us from being in the blind for an extended period of time. We will see what today brings. Major smoke no blind today !
JULY 8/21 The smoke has cleared for now and we will be in the blind this morning. The fledglings are doing fine and seem to have picked a nearby tree for home base.
There is not much action on the H.M.K.T. where the nest box is located. The H.M.K.T. is the optimum place for us to film. We have spotted our 5 fledges at the same time several times today. All are doing well.
JULY 9/21 We are out in the blind this morning. Today was a wash for filming. The fledges are all still well.. Unfortunately they were all far from our blind.
JULY 10/21 We are out in the blind this morning. Hope we get some good footage !! We have spotted the whole family MK., FK, and 5 fledges. Unfortunately
they are approximately 400 to 500 feet away.
JULY 11/21 We are out in the blind this morning. Was a wash for video but, we did see the whole family again at once.
JULY 12/21 We are out in the blind this morning. The fledges are starting to hunt on the ground. One of the Junior FK’S actually caught her own vole and flew to the
H.M.K.T. to eat it. There was a moment where 2 Junior FK and 1 Junior MK were chasing an insect all at once. There flying skills are unbelievable diving and soaring. They all are progressing quickly. They were again all hunting in the evening.
JULY 13/21 We will not be in the blind today. We did observe later in the day Juniors hunting and doing well.
JULY 14/21 We will be in the blind today. We have some disturbing news !!! One of our Male fledges has and injured wing. His flying ability is suffering.
We tried to capture him for rehab but we could not. We will try again tomorrow.
JULY 15/21 We will be in the blind today. We observed 2 females and 1 male for about 5 minutes in the early morning and then all have seemed to have gone from area.
Unfortunately we did not see the injured Junior male, all we can do is hope and pray.
JULY 16/21 We will not be in the blind today. We will check to see if any Kestrels are in our research area. Have not seen any Kestrels.
JULY 17/21 We will not be in the blind today. We will check to see if any Kestrels are in our research area. Have not seen any Kestrels.
On a great note. Our good neighbors Susan and Herman spotted Junior Male Kestrel in their yard and notified us. We found out he was our injured Junior Male and captured him. He will be taken to a rehab center and cared for. Stay tuned for updates on junior. Our live stream will end on July 21/2021.
JULY 18/21 We will not be in the blind today. We will check to see if any Kestrels are in our research area. Have not seen any Kestrels.
We dropped Junior (Bouncy) off at the Wildlife Haven Rehab Center at about 9:00am. the doctor will see him tomorrow July 19/2021 and we hope for the best. Stay tuned for updates on junior. Our live stream will end on July 21/2021.
JULY 19/21 We have very sad news, Bouncy our Junior male Kestrel has passed on. He several bad fractures and breaks in his wing. He passed on within 24 hours
of us bringing him in. An autopsy will possibly be done to let us know more of why he passed on. He has gone to a better place and will be fondly remembered. God bless his soul. Rest in peace little one.
Below is a short video just before our Male Kestrel Bouncy fledged. He was only here for a short time, but gave pleasure to all that watched. He will be greatly missed.
This will possibly be the last post for the 2021 season. Unfortunately it ends on a sad note.
The family has moved from our area several days ago.
A kestrel rose and spread his wings to soar to bigger skies.
The time had come to leave his nest and say his sweet good-byes.
He took the love within his heart and set for the unknown, carried by the gentle wind as morning sunlight shone.
Beyond the clouds, he traveled on, then disappeared from view, in another place, another stretch of blue.
Although we couldn't see him, he was there among the breeze... leaving us deep inside our memories.
Wildlife Haven – Bouncy
Sunday, July 18, 2021 they administered pain medication he was underweight and was dehydrated, they provided him with fluids
they gave him antibiotics as the wounds along his right wing showed necrosis (tissue damage)
Monday, July 19, 2021
In the morning their veterinarian checked on him. In order to do a radiography they would need to put him under anesthesia. It was felt that he was too weak to undergo anesthesia so it was decided not to do a radiography at that time and would wait to see if his condition improved.
Mid day he passed away on his own (not by euthanasia).
Wildlife Haven said he's in their freezer for safe keeping and can only release him to us when we present them with a permit.
She provided a contact at the Wildlife Branch for the permit.
CLICK ON BELOW LOGO. To see the wonderful work Wildlife Haven does to rehabilitate Wildlife