Our 2023 Kestrel season has started with FK (Lady Winnipeg) arriving on March 28/2023
Below: April 1/2023 2nd female comes in Lady Winnipeg's territory. Lady Winnipeg chases her away.
BELOW: April 3/2023 at 8:48am MK (aka Mr. Manitoba arrives and FK is happy to see him. Then the aerial ballet begins.
BELOW: April 4/2023 MK made up for his day absence and brought FK a vole and copulated 8 times. (12 stills)
BELOW: April 5 Winter-peg has raised its ugly head again with a snow storm and high winds. This is what FK and MK slept through.
BELOW: Days after the snow storm the snow in the K-2 nest box has melted substantially. So MK made his mark.
BELOW: MK and FK our happy couple!