BELOW: April 25/2023 FK laid her 3RD. egg

WEB  TOP 3 EGGS Sequence 01.Still080
WEB SIDE 3 EGGS Sequence 01.Still079

BELOW: On April 27/2023 FK laid her 4th. egg at 4:28pm CST.

WEB 4 EGGS TOP Sequence 01.Still082
WEB 4 EGGS SIDE Sequence 01.Still081

BELOW: FK laid her 5th egg on April 29/2023 at 7:46pm  ( will there be a 6th??)

WEB FK AND 5 EGGS Sequence 01.Still085
WEB TOP 5 EGGS Sequence 01.Still085
WEB SIDE 5 EGGS Sequence 01.Still086

BELOW: During the incubation period FK and MK assume many positions.

WEB FK Sequence 01.Still001
WEB FK Sequence 01.Still004
WEB FK Sequence 01.Still005
WEB FK Sequence 01.Still006
WEB FK Sequence 01.Still007
WEB FK Sequence 01.Still013
WEB FK Sequence 01.Still014
WEB FK Sequence 01.Still015
WEB FK Sequence 01.Still017
WEB FK Sequence 01.Still019
WEB FK Sequence 01.Still020
WEB FK Sequence 01.Still022
WEB FK Sequence 01.Still023
WEB FK Sequence 01.Still031
WEB FK Sequence 01.Still033
WEB FK Sequence 01.Still035

First set of photos FK.

Second set of photos MK.

WEB MK Sequence 01.Still002
WEB MK Sequence 01.Still003
WEB MK Sequence 01.Still008
WEB MK Sequence 01.Still009
WEB MK Sequence 01.Still010
WEB MK Sequence 01.Still011
WEB MK Sequence 01.Still012
WEB MK Sequence 01.Still016
WEB MK Sequence 01.Still018
WEB MK Sequence 01.Still021
WEB MK Sequence 01.Still024
WEB MK Sequence 01.Still025
WEB MK Sequence 01.Still026
WEB MK Sequence 01.Still027
WEB MK Sequence 01.Still028
WEB MK Sequence 01.Still029
WEB MK Sequence 01.Still030
WEB MK Sequence 01.Still032
WEB MK Sequence 01.Still034
WEB MK Sequence 01.Still036