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The Father, the Son, & the Holy WOW!!!!
In May 2007 Nu-Sun Cinema received an e-mail which enabled us to see a possible once in a life time occurrence.
One of our Wildlife & Nature Friends gave us a tip on an astonishing situation.
We were on the case immediately, understanding that this situation was very weather sensitive.
After making the arrangements to witness this occurrence, Judy ( we will call her ) invited Nu-Sun Cinema into her home.
Judy had informed us it had been there for several days and could only be seen in the early morning light.
As I moved around trying to get the best photo possible the embossed image would seemingly disappear.
Although an logical explanation was evident, it still was an eerie image.
Later Judy asked if we could identify the bird which had left the impression.
After retuning to our office we studied the photos with scrutinizing eyes and came up with this explanation.
What had happen was, a Rock Dove or what is commonly called a Pigeon had flown into Judy's very dusty and dirty window.
The Rock Dove and window, we feel was covered in the morning dew and left this fabulous impression.
Changed the photo to Gray scale,adjusted the brightness, contrast and removed the
background clutter to bring out the impression even more.
Thanks again Judy for inviting us into your home to witness this occurrence.
Nu-Sun Cinema has made another friend in our quest to
Bring Nature into Your Homes.
Thanks for letting us use your story and share it with others.
PS. Judy we don't do windows. ( ha ha ) )